GitHub-Flavored Markdown example
Front Matter
title: Markdown example
description: GitHub-Flavored Markdown example
The title
will be automatically used within the sidebar navigation if there is no label defined.
Numbered lists
- Wake up
- Brush teeth
- Exercise
Numbered list with code snippets
- Code snippets in a list.
1. Code snippets in a list. 1. ```javascript javascript; ``` ```python python ``` ```cpp c++ ```
Info blocks
Info blocks:
Warning: I told you so!
Success: Hooyah!
Danger: I really told you so!
Attention: Now that I have your attention...
<div class="warning">Warning: I told you so!</div>
Sample list:
- Ctrl+S / Cmd+S to save the file
- Ctrl+Shift+S / Cmd+Shift+S to choose to save as Markdown or HTML
- Drag and drop a file into here to load it
- File contents are saved in the URL so you can share files
Look, another list!
- API Reference
- Portal
- Workflows
Free-form Code samples
And here's some code! 👍
```javascript javascript; ``` ```python python ``` ```c++ c++ ```
This is on GitHub so let me know if I've b0rked it somewhere.
Props to Mr. Doob and his code editor, from which the inspiration to this, and some handy implementation hints, came.
Stuff used to make this:
- markdown-it for Markdown parsing
- CodeMirror for the awesome syntax-highlighted editor
- highlight.js for syntax highlighting in output code blocks
- js-deflate for gzipping of data to make it fit in URLs