Last updated 2 years ago

Integrating API Reference with the Portal

The Redocly Portal provides the possibility to integrate the API definition. To do this, complete the following steps:

Step 1. Declare your API definition.

Inside of siteConfig.yaml, add a declaration of all of your API definitions:

  petstore: ./openapi/petstore.yaml

The definition may be in expanded format -- OpenAPI Generator, then pass a path to the folder:

  petstore: ./openapi/petstore/

The definition may also be a remote URL:


Step 2. Add pages that reference those definitions.

Manually create a file (you may name it differently) with the following contents:

type: redoc
definitionId: petstore
tags: ['pet', 'user']
showInfo: true
expand: true
Field Description
type In the current version, only the redoc type is supported.
definitionId References the key(s) declared in the siteConfig.yaml. In this example, the petstore is declared as the key.
  • showInfo – Shows the API definition's description as an overview page.
  • expand – Determines if it will be expanded into multiple menu navigation items automatically.

    Step 3. Reference the pages from the sidebar (or other places).

    Here is an example snippet within the sidebars.yaml:

          - page:
          - page:*

    The first page displays only a specific operation.

    The second page shows all operations (* is a wildcard).

    Step 4. Use components from within markdown extension pages.

    Within a .mdx file, you would import the component, such as RedocResponse:

    import { RedocResponse } from '@redocly/ui';

    Then you can use it as follows:

    With Samples Panel:

    <RedocResponse definitionId="petstore" pointer="#/components/responses/PetResponse" />

    Without Samples Panel:

    <RedocResponse definitionId="petstore" pointer="#/components/responses/PetResponse" hideSamples={true} />